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Best workplaces for commuters

Changing How America Commutes

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  • January 26, 2022 5:27 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bart & Associates, Inc. of McLean, Virginia is recognized again as a 2022 Best Workplace for Commuters. 

    Virginia Business article states, "When the pandemic rocked employees’ well-being last year, executives at McLean-based software solutions company B&A went out of their way to make people feel valued and connected.

    “We realized that a lot of folks were struggling with what was going on in the country and the world,” says Jonathan Evans, president and CEO of B&A, which has 46 employees in Virginia and more than 100 nationwide. “We wanted to make sure we were taking care of our No. 1 asset.” 

    Read the full article.

  • September 15, 2021 4:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Florida Commuter Transportation Summit was held virtually on September 14 - 15, 2021.

    The Summit is an annual event that includes innovative presentations on Transportation Demand Management topics and updates from the FDOT districts.

    In addition to the dynamic Summit speakers, a new Commuter Choice Certificate Training course on equity was provided.

    Recipients of the Florida Travel Choices Awards and Commuter Choice Certificate Graduates were recognized during the Summit.

    Use the links below to view the video recordings of the Summit.

    September 14, 2021 

    September 15, 2021

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University of South Florida
Center for Urban Transportation Research
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